Mess. 03: God Is Light and in Him Is No Darkness at All

Word given by brother Pedro Dong and transmitted by Instituto Vida para Todos, directly from the church auditorium in Barranquilla, Colombia, on 18/08/2024. Text not revised by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel. 1 John 1:1-4; John 3:16 At the beginning of his first epistle John … Continuar lendo Mess. 03: God Is Light and in Him Is No Darkness at All


1. Tout comme l’apôtre, un prophète doit être fidèle et compétent en transmettant la Parole de Dieu et non ses propres paroles. Il doit dire ce que Dieu ordonne et ne pas faire du ministère de la parole une tribune pour une œuvre personnelle, mais croire en la Parole qui produit la communion de la … Continuar lendo IMMERSION QUOTIDIENNE DANS LA PAROLE PROPHÉTIQUE Dimanche | MENS 02 – LA PAROLE DE VIE ET LA COMMUNION DE VIE

TÄGLICHES EINTAUCHEN Sonntag | Botsch. 02 – Das Wort des Lebens und die Gemeinschaft des Lebens

Genau wie der Apostel muss ein Prophet treu und tüchtig darin sein, das Wort Gottes und nicht seine eigenen Worte weiterzugeben. Er muss das sprechen, was Gott ihm befiehlt. Der Dienst des Wortes darf nicht als Bühne für ein eigenes Werk genutzt werden, sondern man muss an das Wort glauben, das die Gemeinschaft des Lebens … Continuar lendo TÄGLICHES EINTAUCHEN Sonntag | Botsch. 02 – Das Wort des Lebens und die Gemeinschaft des Lebens

IMERSÃO DIÁRIA NA PALAVRA PROFÉTICA Domingo | Mens. 2 – A palavra da vida e a comunhão da vida

1.Assim como o apóstolo, um profeta deve ser fiel e idôneo transmitindo a Palavra de Deus e não as próprias palavras. Ele precisa falar o que Deus ordenar e não fazer do ministério da palavra um palanque para uma obra própria, mas crer na Palavra que produz a comunhão da vida (2 Tm 2:2; Ap … Continuar lendo IMERSÃO DIÁRIA NA PALAVRA PROFÉTICA Domingo | Mens. 2 – A palavra da vida e a comunhão da vida

DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 02 – The word of Life and the Fellowship of Life

Just like the apostle, a prophet must be faithful and trustworthy, transmitting the Word of God and not his own words. He needs to speak what God commands and not make the ministry of the word a platform for his own work, but believe in the Word that produces the fellowship of life (2 Tim … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 02 – The word of Life and the Fellowship of Life