1. We need to live in the sphere of faith. Our day-to-day life, even if you are not a colporteur, can be lived in the sphere of faith. What is the secret? To love the prophetic word and believe that this word is from God and meets our needs today. Therefore, I immerse myself and exercise my spirit with the word. This word stirs my mind, and it is renewed, opening the door to enter my soul and my life begins to change.
2. In the past, edification was understood so theoretically by us: serving together, denying the soul-life, and learning to be built together. Today it is more practical: prophetic word, immersion in the word, and pressure to practice the word. At this moment, the experience of love arises.
3. Can the Lord count on you? Do not let the fire of the spirit be extinguished within you. Let us immerse ourselves in the Word day by day and be obedient. In this way, we will be immersed in love. When our obedience is complete, the Lord will be ready to punish all disobedience, meaning He will be able to return, and we will enter the millennial kingdom to rule with Christ for a thousand years.