DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

  1. Only with agape love can we love without hypocrisy, and it is the source that we can have brotherly love, preferring honor to one another through the nature of the new man. Romans 12:9,10
  2. The love we receive from God through immersion in His word provides us with a resource to love the brothers in fact, without pretense, thus the fabric of love is woven in the church. In this environment, no one seeks honor for himself, rather preferring one member over another in honor for the benefit of the Body.
  3. In the responsibility of carrying out or furthering the Lord’s charge, we must not be lazy. If immersion in the word has been good for you, promote immersion without laziness, with diligence, seriousness; with a fervent spirit, obediently serving the Lord. Those who immerse themselves in the word will always have their spirit boiling! Romans 12:11
  4. The hope of glory is that it gives us joy in the midst of trials, gives us patience in difficulties, and gives us perseverance in prayers. The Lord commanded us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. This is only possible through the love we receive from the Father! Col 1:27, Matt 5:44-48

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