DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

1. We learn how to be filled with the Spirit by talking to each other. We are no longer superficial, but we talk to each other and assimilate the word in us (Eph 5:18). By immersion we are taught, admonished, warned and enlightened.
2. We live in a unique moment! Churches across the earth can access and practice the same word. It shakes the gates of hell and moves the Army of God forward. What is our content? The word and the Spirit. Therefore, let us make the word dwell in us abundantly and richly (Col 3:16).
3. Don’t be a person without content! Make the Word dwell in your heart by immersion! So it will live in you and build a fabric of love. The word brings God, who is love. The end product God wants to earn is love, but that love is woven with your participation.
4. By receiving and obeying the Word, preaching the Gospel, caring for people and serving with the brothers, we are weaving a fabric of love, the end result of God’s work that will last forever.

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