- By following the truth in love growing in the Head, Christ, we are filled with the Spirit and our living has spiritual reality, and we are adjusted and consolidated together in the building of the Body of Christ – we are coalesced, intertwined, united intensely forming one piece (Eph 4:12, 15-16).
- With immersion in the Word, preaching the gospel together, husband and wife making the word of Christ richly dwell, not only at meeting time are we coalesced, but also in our daily lives.
- The object of Paul’s word was that the hearts of the saints should be comforted and bound (interwoven, coalesced) together in love (Col 2:2). Love is the only one capable of uniting us perfectly, throwing away all indifference and enmity.
- “By immersing ourselves in the prophetic word, we realize that we are filled with the Spirit, especially to do difficult things like preaching the gospel of the kingdom through colporting.” (Daily Food, Book 1, Week 4, Friday, p. 66).