1. Everything we do in the church should be for forming an army of simple brothers and sisters who reverently love the word of God. Thus, they become an army with one heart, one mind, the same love, and the same feeling, and they obediently carry out all that the Spirit is speaking to the churches.
2. The soul-life is the seat of disobedience. Many times, the church is attacked because of sophisms that Satan tries to produce in people’s minds, and that become like strongholds. This mainly comes from the good side of our soul, like our biblical knowledge and our ability to analyze things, which seems to be something positive but is nothing more than a stronghold in our mind.
3. When our attitude is that of judging the ways of the Spirit, that is, evaluating whether they are right or wrong, we veto the fulfillment of God’s will. The church in Philadelphia is made up of people who have matured a little more, are obedient, and allow God to have freedom. Let us follow the Word and be faithful to it and its burden. This is what God needs in order to close this age.
4. “For Christ to have preeminence in our lives, we must let Him enter and have dominion over every part that is not yet under His authority. There are still many areas in us, like our ego, that are not under the dominion of Christ. So, let us pray: “Lord Jesus, I want You to get into every part of my being that is not yet under Your control. Lord, I want to be totally governed by You. Make Your home in my heart, and may You feel at home within me”.