DAILY IMMERSION Wednesday | Mess 01 – The Words that I Speak to You Are Spirit and they are Life

  1. God wants man to occupy spaces on Earth, through multiplication, for domination. This is the hope that God had when He created man. But upon falling into sin, man lost the function of dominion, and the empire of death began to reign in this world. (Gen 1:26-28; Rom 5:12,14)
  2. But God did not give up on man. In the midst of an idolatrous generation, God called Abraham to fulfill His will and promised the land of Canaan to his descendants. Despite the promise, He did not give possession, as this promised land needed to be conquered. Therefore, God needs an army. (Gen 6:11-13; 12:1-3, 5-7)
  3. When God promises the land, we need to set foot on it. Therefore, we go to the streets to preach the gospel, to set foot on and conquer the land that He gave us. (Gen 13:14-17)
  4. The Lord needs to return; His second coming is at hand, and someone needs to complete this work. That’s why God counts on us. (Daily Food, Book 1, Week 4, Wednesday, p. 62).

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