DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | Message 05 – Nehemiah: The Restoration of the Walls of Jerusalem

1. Just as it was with Moses, God strengthened Nehemiah’s hands against the enemy’s attacks. We don’t need to fight; our conversation is with God. He is the one who strengthens our hands for good work (Nm 12:2; 16:1-35; Ne 6:1-19).

2. Define yourself and take a stand for the Lord! Those who took position raised the walls and set up the doors. From then on, Jerusalem would have the government of God. It is God who does the work! (Ne 6:1-19; Dt 30:15-20).

3. In the church there can be nothing that harbors the intentions of God’s enemy. With the rebuilding of the walls and the reestablishment of God’s government, everything must flow normally in order to bring the Lord and His kingdom to the earth and the church to be built (Ne 13:4-9).

4. The church life must be lived in reality, so we will be ready to form an army and meet God’s need (Ep 6:1-20) (Daily Food, Book 2, Week 4, Sunday, page 70).

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