DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Saturday | Mess. 03 – The Difficulties faced by the apostles

  1. The prophetic word is the word of revelation. What Paul preached did not come from himself, because the prophetic word has no origin in man (Gal 1:11-17).
  2. The Lord carries out His work through the word and, through the word, the apostle exercises leadership in the churches. This word circulates among churches for fellowship. So, it was from the beginning of the church age and it is until today (1 Cor 12:28; 7:17; 14:33; 2 Cor 11:28; Col 4:16).
  3. The apostle Paul always preached the truth; the prophetic word, but others during his time, came to confuse, contaminate, and isolate the brothers so that they would not hear the apostle’s word, and made Paul an enemy for telling them the truth. Let us be vigilant and closely follow the prophetic word (Gal 4:16-17; 2 Pet 1:19).
  4. God does not want man to die in his sins, but he wants to give him eternal life. For man to have eternal life, he needs to believe in the I AM, he needs to believe in Jesus, the One who is and who provides existence. Thanks to Him we exist. (John 3:16-17; 8:24) (Daily Food, Book 2, Week 1, Saturday, p. 21).

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