DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Saturday | Mess. 05 – The Emergence of the Root of the Church’s Degradation in the Second Century

  1. The work of the Nicolaitans means that, in the church there are those who know the word of God and deal with spiritual matters (clergy), while the rest take care of secular matters (lay people). This is not the case in the church, as everyone is a member of the Body of Christ, absorbs the word and must act in the work of the Lord (Rev 2:6, 15).
  2. God wanted all of His people who left Egypt to be priests, but this was not possible because of the sin of idolatry with the golden calf. With the church, God wants to fulfill everyone’s dream of being priests, functioning members (Ex 19:4-6; 1 Pet 2:9).
  3. In the church, God wants everyone to come to Him and act without an intermediary class to share, serve, pray, and baptize! (Acts 2:46-47)
  4. “As members of the Body of Christ, we need the word (nutrient), which, united with the Spirit (oxygen), makes combustion happen, providing us with energy to preach the gospel of the kingdom, build the church and bring the Lord back. Therefore, let the word circulate as life among us” (Daily Food, Book 2, Week 3, Saturday, page 54).

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