DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Monday | Mess. 06 – The Church’s Degradation Over the Centuries

  1. The word spoken by those who strive to seek fellowship in the teaching of the apostles irresistibly penetrates the heart of those who listen. It is like a sharp double-edged sword; divides soul and spirit, and joints and marrow, it also discerns the thoughts and purposes of the heart. There is no way anyone can remain indifferent to it! (Heb 4:12)
  2. The beginning of the church life, described in the book of Acts, shows us principles that are valid today. Firstly, everything begins with the words of the apostles, which, ruminated by the brothers and sisters, introduced them into the fellowship of the only apostolic teaching. Perseverance in this teaching produced a normal church life. Satan’s fight is to destroy this word, thus making the fellowship of saints and the exercise of functions in the Body ineffective (Acts 2:42; John 10:10).
  3. Because they enjoyed a unique, intense and heavenly church life, the brothers and sisters of the primitive church did not love the things of the earthly sphere. Therefore, they spontaneously handed everything over to the apostles and had everything in common. This principle remains today: Everything we have is the Lord’s. We are its administrators (Acts 2:43-47, 4:34-35; Gal 1:3,4).
  4. “Just as He did with Israel, the Lord also sets before us the blessing and the curse (Dt 11:26). The choice is ours. Choosing the blessing is following the voice of the good Shepherd, who gave His life for the sheep (John 10:11).” (Daily Food, Book 2, Week 4, Monday, page 57).

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