DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 06 – The Church’s Degradation Over the Centuries

  1. We belong to the Church, a living organism that gives the Lord the possibility of carrying out His will on earth. Therefore, concern for our own sustenance cannot root us in this wicked world (Gal 1:3,4; Matt 6:25-34).
  2. Although each of us manages our own finances, we must be aware that our possessions belong to the Lord (Acts 2:43-47, 4:34-35; James 1:17; 1 Chr 29:11-16).
  3. During the period that Jesus was on earth, women were pioneers in serving Him with their material goods. They were the first to invest in the kingdom of God, reacting quickly to support the work (Luke 8:1-3).
  4. “Out of all Israel, God chose a tribe and a city to give His name and establish His dwelling place. Therefore, all the tribes should go there to offer burnt offerings, sacrifices, tithes, and other offerings to the Lord. Today we are governed by the same principle: no one goes where they want, because there is an order” (Deut 12:5-9) (Daily Food, Book 2, Week 4, Tuesday, page 60)

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