DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 08 – The Return to the Church of the Apostolic Age

  1. The disobedience of man (Adam) disconnected humanity from the holy and true God. Thus, man became unrighteous, and death passed on to all men. There was no way to return to God. Nevertheless, He loved us and sent His Son Jesus Christ, who justified us, reconciled us with God, and granted us eternal redemption (Rom 5:12, 14, 19).
  2. There was a time in church history when it was taught that man’s justification was achieved by penances and the purchase of indulgences. The battle of the Protestant Reformation was the restore the truth of justification by faith in Christ Jesus (Rom 3:22-24).
  3. Given that God is holy, man’s soul needs to be sanctified and transformed by the Word of God (1 Pet 1:16). Because of this, He transferred us from the world to the church, a holy place where we can hear His voice of command in order to carry out His will. Thus, we became a chosen generation, a holy nation, different from all others, God’s own special people (Ex 15:5, 6a).
  4. Jesus went in search of those simple people that were suffering but loved Him and wanted to hear His voice (Jn 10:21) (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 2, Tuesday, pg.27)

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