DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 11 – Can Anything Good Come Out of Nazareth?

  1. In the church there is no hierarchy or class that specializes in the word, while the rest are just lay people who understand nothing about serving the Lord. We are all servants; we have no titles and we only treat each other as brothers and sisters (Mt 23:8).
  2. The word of God is what does God’s work. We take this word so that God can execute His will among us. Through the fellowship of the apostles’ teaching the church continues (Acts 2:42; Is 55:10-11).
  3. The Bible is the word “logos”, the constant word of the Lord. Yet God uses this constant word and speaks a “rhema” word to us the instant we need it. There is always a dynamic word that comes out like water that constantly flows or like sunlight that shines on us every moment, in an ever-new way (Mt 4:4; Jn 6:63).
  4. Let us never be influenced by people’s appearance when they preach the gospel or when they deliver a message. Let us first seek to know the content, the burden of the word that comes from within a servant of God (Jer 17:10; John 2:24-25) (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 1, Tuesday, p. 9).

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