DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Wednesday | Mess. 05 – Where am I, where am I going and why do I exist?

  1. Personal effort does not transform us, but the sanctifying and washing of the word changes our nature. Thus, fallen man receives the opportunity to return back to God and become a wrought church, without blemish. This is our path: to ruminate and immerse ourselves in the prophetic word. Thus, thus the church is guided and becomes a glorious church. This is God’s will for His church (Eph 5:25-27; John 17:3,17).
  2. In the middle of the garden of Eden, God placed the tree of life. If man had eaten from it, God as life would have entered his spirit and would have reigned in him and through him. God’s government is in life! He desires to govern organically, through His Body, the church. Through man, God would have governed all things (Hb 2:5-8; Gen 1:26-28; 3:6-7).
  3. God’s government is in life! Through man filled with His life, God would have ruled over all things. However, before man chose the tree of life, the serpent interfered and deceived him. This was the saddest moment in human history. Man turned away from purity and connected himself to the father of lies (2 Cor 11:3; John 8:44).
  4. Do not be someone who is always seeking a position and prominence, “for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble”. If we remain in a position of humbleness, God will always grant us His grace. (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 2, Wednesday, page 28).

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