DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Friday | Mess. 05 – Where am I, where am I going and why do I exist?

  1. In the world we live in there is a structure of authority, because there is no life; this differs from divine government. God will restore His kingdom in life through the church. In it, all members are under the command of the Head, through the word! This is what God wants to restore among us (Mt 20:21-25).
  2. God created us to subdue all things under our feet, but we are not yet able to accomplish that. Therefore, God sent Christ, who emptied Himself, took the form of a servant and became a man, and then He was crowned with glory and honor. He, as the Firstborn Son, is leading the many other sons of God to glory! (Hb 2:9,11,14-16).
  3. God wants to bring us into the glory, which is God Himself, but to do so we first need to go through the process of sanctification in the truth. The word that sanctifies us also washes us and works to insert us into God; once inserted into Him, we will experience an organic oneness, never before seen among human beings! (John 17:6-11,21-23).
  4. As long as someone thinks highly of themselves, they will never be able to love anyone other than themselves. Therefore, “washing the feet” is not a mere ritual, but exists for us to humble ourselves and thus to learn to love one another. (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 2, Friday, page 33).

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