DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Saturday | Mess. 05 – Where am I, where am I going and why do I exist?

  1. The Son will not allow any of those whom the Father has given Him to be lost! Thank God, we are part of these. Through the fall of man, sin and death entered the world, but we are not of this world! We are members of the Body of Christ and are governed by life through the word! (John 17:12-14).
  2. In the world, anyone can give direction and people can choose whom they will follow, but in the church, there is government established by God through His prophetic word. Thank the Lord, this conviction has now been restored among us! (2 Pe 1:19; Pr 29:18; Heb 1:1-2).
  3. As long as there still remains competition for position, envy and the search for power, we will not be free from hierarchy. Among us, we all need to have a servant’s heart to fulfill our functions as members of one Body, the Body of Christ! (Mt 20:25-28; Phil 2:1-4).
  4. “The word brings Christ, Christ is God, and God is love. For this reason, we encourage everyone to immerse themselves in the word, to engrave it in their hearts, because in this way, even without realizing it, God’s love will also enter us and fill us with reality.” (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 2, Saturday, page 35).

Did you know that we also have kids’ immersion? Click here to do it with your child: KIDS IMMERSION

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