Mess. 5: Where am I, where am I going and why do I exist?

Word ministered by brothers Pedro Dong, André Oliveira and Gabriel Sá, transmitted by Instituto Vida para Todos directly from the Final Generation Conference, on 20/07/2024. Text not revised by the author.

We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel.

Heb 2:10; John 1:3; Col 1:16; Eph 1:9-10, 19-23

  1. The orientation with respect to the general theme of this Final Generation Conference came from Hebrews 2:10, where we see that we are the many sons of God being led (guided) to glory! The title of this message is: “Where I Am and Where I am Going”. However, before knowing where we are and what our destiny is, we need to know why we exist? God is the reason we exist. He is the origin and reason for our existence; we were created through Him and for Him. Therefore, our life is meaningless apart from God.
  2. What is God’s will? The answer is in Ephesians 1:9-10: to head up all things in Christ! For this He counts on the church. When God raised Jesus from the dead, He immediately placed everything under His feet. However, He still needs to head up all things. For this purpose God gave Him to the church! Therefore, to head up all things, Christ must first head up His church by filling it with truth and holiness. Thus, He will accomplish His will on Earth.

    Eph 3:17-19; 4:7-16

  3. The practical way for Christ to head up the church is by filling us with His Word, which generates the transformation and change that needs to occur in our lives. This transformation, this change, is a sign that we are being filled with Christ in reality and that He is dwelling in our hearts by faith in the word. To head up all things, Jesus must first head up His church and, to do so, He must first take control of our hearts. Alone, however, we cannot understand the dimension of Christ’s love, and because of this, we are all gathered here! Together we will grasp the dimension of God’s love and will be filled to the fullness of His love.
  4. In His resurrection, Christ took us out of sin and He was placed above all the heavens to fill all things. Likewise, He raised us up together with Him! God created us so that He could build the church and head up all things, both in heaven and on Earth, in Christ through us.
  5. For the edification of His body, Christ granted man as gifts for the perfecting and functioning of all the saints. Thank God, today we live in times when our children, teenagers, young people and seniors are active! The whole church is active! We want a fully connected Body, that is under the command of the Head and that works organically. This body needs to be well knit together, thread by thread, the weft (horizontal threads) – our relationship with each other – with the warp (vertical threads) – our relationship with God – into a fabric of love, where all members function. This is the reason for our existence: the building up of the Body of Christ by the functioning of all the members and the supply of divine love in order to produce the dwelling place of God in the spirit, a fabric of love. When this occurs, the church will be used for all things to be headed up in Christ, and He will return!
  6. The Lord wants to lead us to live the reality of these words. We need, in addition to knowing the work of Christ as a doctrinal fact, to make it our experience. To be filled, in practice, means to have Christ heading up our entire being. We still have a lot of control over ourselves, and because of this it is so important to inculcate the word in our hearts, so that Christ may make His home in every part of it.
  7. This work by God is producing a living organism, in which Christ is dwelling within our hearts. He does not want to fill us with rules of conduct, but as a living person, He wants to command us by dwelling in our hearts. In a practical way, this occurs through the word dwelling in us, and through this we are transformed.

    Eph 5:25-27; John 17:3

  8. In the fall, man became disconnected from the Only True God, linked himself to the Father of lies, and thus became full of emptiness, lies, sin and death. How could man be part of an organic being with God? In order for Him to have a Body, He needs to sanctify us. The realization of this (sanctification) also occurs through the word! The word that we receive and in which we immerse ourselves each week circulates among us like blood, transporting nutrients to all cells. It also removes the elements of our old man, the toxins, so that we are fully taken over by Christ and are presented as the glorious church. That is why we exist! Our destiny is to become this holy church!
  9. Personal effort does not transform us, but the sanctifying and washing of the word changes our nature. Thus, fallen man receives the opportunity to return to God, as a wrought church, without blemish. This is path that we are following: to ruminate and immerse ourselves in the prophetic word. Thus, the church is led (guided) and becomes a glorious church. This is God’s will for His church.

    Heb 2:5-8; Gen 1:26-28 3:6-7; 2Co 11:3; John 8:44

  10. God created man to subdue all things, and left nothing outside our dominion. Therefore, it no longer makes any sense to live for anything other than this purpose. Although we were created a little lower than angels, He created us to subdue all things and wants to crown us with glory and honor. God created us to establish His government over all creation.
  11. In the middle of the garden of Eden, God placed the tree of life. Upon man’s eating from it, God as life would enter the spirit of man and begin to reign in and through him. God’s government is in life! He desires to govern organically, through His Body, the church. Through man, God would rule over all things. However, before man chose the tree of life, the serpent interfered and deceived him. This was the saddest moment in human history. Man turned away from purity and connected himself to the father of lies. God wanted to govern all creation by life, through man, organically, but man became contaminated and sin entered the world.

    Rom 5:12; Gen 1:2; Eph 6:12; Rom 8:19

  12. In Romans 5:12 we read that through one man sin entered the world. My general consideration was that Satan’s rebellion brought corruption to the world when he rebelled against God. However, in new light, I see in this verse that the cause of sin’s entry into the world was Adam’s transgression. By rebelling, Satan formed the kingdom of lies and darkness, also corrupted the Earth and put it in the situation described in Genesis 1:2, formless and empty. However, God restored the Earth and created man to rule it. In the world recreated by God there was still no sin; it was the fall of man, through disobedience to the word of God, that opened the door for Satan to enter the world.
  13. The enemy then usurped the world and became its prince. Thus, human transgression corrupted the kingdom of God on Earth. The world is corrupt, in the hands of the father of lies and has become wicked, taken over by principalities, powers and spiritual forces of evil. All of this came to pass due to human disobedience.
  14. If through one man’s disobedience the world was exposed to Satan’s usurpation, it is also through one man that the world will be redeemed back to God! We can free the Earth. Creation suffers anguish and oppression from the principalities and powers that dominate the Earth. It groans, inwardly, awaiting full sonship, when our soul will be full of Christ as the truth, sanctified, and full of the glory and love of God . When that Day comes and our spirit and soul are filled with this glory, our body will become incorruptible, clothed with glory. Then, all creation will be redeemed from corruption and vanity.
  15. The world we live in today has been corrupted. When the church stopped treasuring the teaching of the apostles, there was no longer a kingdom in life, organically. Young one, when the church is no longer living this kingdom in life, the need arises to seek the pattern of the world, without life. For every lifeless organization to survive, hierarchical structures of power are necessary for subsistence. As a consequence of the adoption of worldly principles, unfortunately we have also taken in the world’s pattern with respect to dealing with money.

    Mt 20:21-25

  16. We were born and raised in this lifeless government; we learned to live this way. There is a route to be followed, a career to be built. This is how we live in society, under a system already established for the benefit of our legitimate daily life. There is nothing wrong with seeking your sustenance, but this way we will not bring back the government of Christ. This restoration will only occur through the church, where there is no hierarchical model of government. In the world we live in there is an authority structure, because there is no life and this differs from the divine government. God will restore His kingdom in life through the church. In it, all members are under the command of the Head, through the word! This is what God wants to restore among us.
  17. God’s work is being carried out on every continent, in the most diverse countries there are churches living under the same command, being governed by the word, just like us! There is no human statute or contract that obliges them to live like this; this command comes only through life! God is achieving a living organism, which only needs the voice of command, from the word, for all to function as members of His Body!

    Heb 2:9,11,14-16

  18. God created us to subdue all things under our feet, but we are not yet able to accomplish this. Therefore, God sent Christ, who emptied Himself, took the form of a servant, became a man, and was crowned with glory and honor. He lived and died according to the will of the Father, who resurrected Him, and He ascended to heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God. He is the firstborn Son and is leading many other sons of God to glory!
  19. Today we see the Lord raising up teenagers, who are certainly being prepared to be crowned with glory and honor! This is their desire, and it should also be that of the entire church. This is why we exist, the reason we were created, and the goal for which we are being wrought. If we are not walking this path, we need to return to Him as quickly as possible and allow the word to work within us and to lead (guide) us to glory.

    John 17:5; John 1:14; John 17:4; Acts 2:22,24; Acts 13:33; Ps 2:6-9 Hb 1:5-6,8

  20. Christ, as a man was crowned with glory and honor. He went through the process of glorification in His resurrection and opened the possibility for us to follow the same path. As the only begotten Son of the Father, Jesus was already in the glory of God. Nevertheless, in Gethsemane, before His crucifixion, He prayed asking the Father to glorify Him as a man. This glorification is not a matter of a reward or a recompense, but it is the bringing of man into God Himself. Man glorifies God when he carries out the work entrusted to him by God. Therefore, when we immerse ourselves in the word and receive the voice of command, obeying it is to glorify the Lord!
  21. Jesus, the Nazarene, was a man approved by God with miracles, wonders and signs, which God Himself performed through Him among the Jews. He did nothing of Himself, but carried out everything according to the Father’s will, which is the reason He was approved by Him. By resurrecting Jesus from the dead, God admitted Him as His firstborn Son and made it possible for us all, today, to be His many brothers and sisters. In resurrection, Jesus was glorified and was made king over all nations. Thus, all things were placed under His feet. Now, God needs to put all things under our feet! For this to be possible, however, we must first be completely filled by Him through His government in life.

    John 17:6-11, 21-23

  22. During His time on Earth, there was a group of people that God gave into the care of Jesus. Today, this group is the church that has received from Christ the words that are in the Father’s heart. God wants to bring us into glory, which is God Himself, but to do so we must first go through the process of sanctification in the truth. The word that sanctifies us also washes us and works to insert us into God; moreover, once inserted into Him, we experience an organic oneness, never seen among human beings!
  23. This oneness cannot be explained by human logic; it is the same supernatural oneness that exists between the Son and the Father. How can we live in oneness with brothers and sisters who live in distant countries and whom   we do not even know? This occurs through the circulation of the word, the circulation of life that leads us to have fellowship with one another, just like the Father and the Son!

    John 17:12-16

  24. The Son will not allow any of those whom the Father gave to Him to be lost! Thank God, we are part of these. Through the fall of man, sin and death entered the world, but we are not of this world! Beloved, we do not belong to the world and are not governed by its hierarchical system of power. We are members of the Body of Christ and are governed by life, by the word! A few months ago there were still many attacks on the prophetic word, but thanks to the Lord, we believe that today this difficulty no longer exists among us. God has restored us in this aspect! Now, we have the wonderful oneness by believing the word that the Lord gives us and believing that it does the work!
  25. In the world, the governmental system is democracy; its influence in the church causes everyone to have the freedom to choose the preacher that suits them best. In the church, however, God transmits His word through the prophet chosen by Him in each age. In the world, anyone can give direction, but in the church there is a government established by God through His word. Thank the Lord, this conviction has now been restored among us!
  26. Another point to be restored among us is related to the matter of hierarchy, that is, to the system of power that exist in the world. As for that, we are not yet completely free. As long as there is competition for position, envy, and the search for power, we will not be free from hierarchy. Among us, we all need to have a servant’s heart and to fulfill our functions as members of one Body, the Body of Christ!

    Acts 2:42; Mt 25:23

  27. When we remember the history of the church, we saw that Satan struck the church with three shots: the loss of love for the teaching of the apostles, the implementation of a hierarchy, and the love of money. These three shots caused the church to bleed and prevented it from performing the function for which it was created. Yet, thanks to the Lord, He has restored and healed us from the damage caused by Satan.
  28. This restoration takes place by way of a main tripod. The first leg (support) of this tripod is the restoration of the model that the Lord established in the church in Jerusalem. There, in the first church raised up, the brothers and sisters were guided by the circulation of God’s life, through fellowship in the teaching of the apostles. Thus, God was able to direct and govern His church through the word. Thank God, this leg of the tripod was restored among us by loving and receiving the prophetic word with simplicity and faith, in order to carry out the Lord’s work. For us, the word is not just material for good sermons, but a voice of command, an order!
  29. The second leg is the restoration of the function of the members of the Body of Christ. We are freeing ourselves from the work of the Nicolaitans, that is, from the clerical system with its love for position and the dispute for preeminence. Now, we serve one another in love! Thank the Lord, we no longer follow the power structure of the world, but as members of the Body of Christ we can all function. God has been removing from us all hatred, discord, anger, jealousy, dissension, factions, envy, rivalry and vanity. We are just servants, and all we want is to serve Him.

    Acts 2:44; 4:32-33; 1Tm 6:6-10; 1Jo 2:15-17; Luke 8:1-3

  30. Because we live in the world, under the monetary economic system that governs it, we still need money to survive, and if we do not know how to deal with it properly, we will be enslaved to the world’s system. Money is part of our livelihood and is necessary in our daily living. However, we are not of the world and we need to be clear about this point. How, then, can we free ourselves from the control of money? The search for material goods dominates society, and without realizing it, man has been enslaved for centuries by the god of riches. We need to be careful, as it can sneakily take over our hearts.
  31. As many young people establish themselves in the job market, start a family, and gain professional prominence, they become consumed by the desire for wealth and status. A bigger house, a more up-to-date car and several other things are necessary to maintain a certain standard of living. Little by little the world dominates and consumes us and takes away our time with the Lord. Young people, it is not wrong to have material wealth, but we need to be careful so that money does not dominate our hearts!
  32. In the first church established, in Jerusalem, the members were already living this reality, they spontaneously handed over their goods, placed them at the feet of the apostles, and shared everything according to each person’s needs. They lived in overflowing grace because they were no longer dominated by the world’s system of money! We need to have the reality that everything we possess is for the Lord!
  33. Money is part of the world’s system, and we can imperceptibly be dominated by it as we maintain our love for material riches. It is not a sin to have possessions, but possessions cannot imprison us. Money passes away, but he who does the Lord’s will remains eternally! The women who financially supported Jesus’ ministry had been freed from possession by evil spirits. Once freed, they were no longer attached to their material goods, but rather, they gave them to the Lord. Just like them, we need to be freed! Thank the Lord, our relationship with money is being restored. If we can be freed from the domination of the world, the tripod is complete, and the Lord will have a way to return! We are seeing this happen, for example, when we see the various regions responding to the burden concerning the Kingdom Investors by taking responsibility for more and more shares! The Lord has accomplished His work!
  34. Recently the Lord gave us the task of opening a GPC that was close to the churches in the interior of São Paulo, and He quickly gave us a location in the Jundiaí region! We will call it GPC São Paulo, since the entire state now belongs to one region! This miracle is another example of how we were freed from the world: in one hour in fellowship with region 8 (São Paulo), the Lord raised the amount necessary for us to make the down payment of the building. This is a miracle. What a wonderful thing! We did not see these things take place in the church life in the past.

    Mt 25:23

  35. God is the One who will move the work forward! When there is a financial need, we know that the Lord will supply it, as He owns the gold and silver. At the end of this message, I want to take some time to relaunch the project “Gospel Partners: Being faithful over a few things”. This program is ideal for those who cannot yet participate in a share of the Kingdom Investors program, but have the heart to offer. Even children and teenagers can participate, the opportunity is open to everyone! We can all have the experience of being freed from the domination of money. Let us be faithful in a few things!
  36. Finally, we give thanks to God, because our young people have understood their function as captains! The Lord raised up teenagers with fantastic, supernatural energy, and young people have taken the responsibility to channel, that is to direct, this energy like a laser beam, to take full advantage of it for the edification and restoration of the church in relation to the three shots fired by Satan. Having come to realize that God wants to bring teenagers and young people together, we will hold the next conference jointly! The word will be the same in the main meetings; everyone will be together! Who knows, maybe we will also invite our senior members to participate? This way we will have an army, an immense workforce, to carry out the Lord’s work and bring Him back!

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