DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 12 – To the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia Write

  1. We are freed from the world through the church. The government of the church is from God! God’s government is by life, and the life that governs the church is in the Word. By receiving the Word, we receive life, and by receiving life we receive light (John 1:1-3).
  2. We need the Word! The Lord has restored love for the Word among us. Like teenagers, we need to become simpler and love the Word. The Lord desires to govern the church by life, and He does so through the Word that comes from the mouth of God (Jer 15:16; Mt 4:4).
  3. Among us there are no governors who dominate, there are no clergy who dominate the laity. We all serve as members of the Body of Christ. We all have the Word and fellowship in the Word; we are all functioning in the church (Mt 20:20, 25-26; Rom 12:4-8,11).
  4. After Jesus became the Spirit and entered the disciples, He can take the disciples to where He is, in the Father. This is the Spirit that dwells in us who believe, and all who receive Him as their Lord can have access to the Father. Praise be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord (John 14:1-2, 16-17; 20:19-22) (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 3, Tuesday, p. 43).

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