DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Saturday | Mess. 12 – To the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia Write

  1. We have little strength, but it pleased God to give His kingdom to us, this little flock. And the gates of Hades will not prevail against the built church! We have been transported from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of love. Believe! (Rev 3:7-8; Lk 12:32; Mt 16:18; Col 1:13).
  2. We cannot boast about anything we do in the service of the Lord. Everything comes from the Lord. If God does not have mercy, nothing happens. That is why we exalt the name of the Lord. Our sufficiency comes from God! (John 17:6-8; 2 Cor 3:4-6; 2 Cor 4:7; Job 22:21-28 KJU).
  3. Just like the church in Philadelphia, we must always seek to follow the direction of the Spirit through the Word, giving God complete freedom to do the work with His power and valuing the role of each member of the Body of Christ (Rev 3:9).
  4. If we love the Lord, we value the word and practice it, because whoever loves the Lord obeys His word (John14:21) (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 3, Saturday, page 51).

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