DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 01 – They Will Reign in Life through Jesus Christ

  1. When man disobeyed the word, a door opened in the world restored and redesigned by God for Satan, who entered and established his government of sin and death. From then on, instead of God ruling in life through man, death reigned over man, whose power is in sin (Gen 3:6-7; Rm 5:12,14).
  2. A government without life generates only death. But God does not give up on His purpose and wants to establish a government of life through the Church. However, our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers of Satan that dominate the world of darkness (Gen 3:6-7; Rom 5:12,14, 17).
  3. The Lord has freed us from the empire of darkness and transported us to His rule in life. The Lord Jesus is eternal life itself. Life is abstract, but we receive it through the word, which communicates and transmits life to man. The word of God is life (Rom 5:17; Col 1:13; John 6:63).
  4. The earth symbolizes man’s heart, and God is interested in him. A hardened heart is petrified and cannot absorb the seed. God cares about the condition of the heart because this is the soil that will receive the word as seed (Mt 13:16-18). (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 4, Tuesday, page 58).

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