DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Thursday | Mess. 01 – They Will Reign in Life through Jesus Christ

  1. The church needs the certified word that comes from God. When the church receives the word, there is fellowship and circulation of life. Through immersion, transcription, and speaking to one another, life circulates more and more and God’s work is done. Everything happens through the word and its circulation in the Body of Christ, of which we are members (John 1:1; 1Jo 1:1-3; Eph 5:18,19).
  2. Only the word that comes from God brings life. No man or sermon has the ability to supply life, because only Christ is eternal life. The origin of the word must be from God, not from man. Everything comes from the revelation of Jesus Christ (John 17:3; Gal 1:11,12; Col 1:25-27; Rev 1:1).
  3. The only perfect government is government in life, where Christ, as the Head, makes life circulate through the word. Outside of the government in life, we only have imperfect organizations, with dominators and the dominated (1 John 1:1-3; Eph 2:19-22, 4:16; Col 1:18).
  4. The word is like water that cleans us, removing harmful elements from us, similar to what the bloodstream does in the human body as it passes through all the cells. On the one hand, it transports nutrients and oxygen, generating energy for cells; on the other hand, it removes and eliminates toxins that are so harmful to the body. (Eph 5:25-27). (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 4, Thursday, page 65).

Did you know that we also have kids’ immersion? Click here to do it with your child: KIDS IMMERSION

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