DYNAMIC IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Wednesday | Mess.09 – Giving Our Lives for the Brethren

  1. “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be.” When we believe in the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation, we are born again, we are born of the Spirit. A spiritual, divine, and holy being was generated in us. It is hidden and needs to be formed, grow, being fed until it is ready to be born. It is not about another being, but it is us as the new man, the new creation, created according to God with His holy nature, but without sin. The more this being grows and gains personality, the more the old self decreases and has its personality replaced by that of the new man, because Christ is being formed in us (1 John 3:2; John 1:12; 3:3; Gal 2:20).
  2. Loving each other is proof that the Son of God is growing in us, because, in our natural man, we are selfish, and we do not have the natural capability of loving each other. Cain was left with a fallen face, angry, indignant and envious of his brother, which generated hatred and resulted in homicide. This is Lucifer’s path, who had frustrated his intention to rise to be equal to God and rebelled, becoming God’s adversary. He projected his hatred against Christ on Cain. If you were not accepted, something is wrong, and you need to go to the Lord to gain light, repent and change to be accepted (1 John 3:11- 12; John 13:29-35; Ps 2:1-6; Gen 4:4-6).
  3. God wants to produce a government for His life on earth. On the day that man ate from the tree of knowledge, death began to reign over him. He did not die physically but was poisoned and began to have his eyes open to judge everything and everyone by the sieve of good and evil. Death entered and began to govern him through his open eyes, leading him to do the will of the empire of darkness. It’s impossible to love each other with your eyes open. However, we act according to the government of life. We love the Word of life, which introduces us to the fellowship of life. Thus, we have the life and nature of God, which lead us to love each other more and more (1 John 3:14-16; Gen 2:9, 17; 3:4-5).
  4. On the one hand, God gave the people of Israel commandments and statutes, such as the Pentateuch. On the other hand, daily, when walking with God, the people had His voice. God spoke in a dynamic way every moment. And Moses was the commanding voice of the LORD. The commandments given on Mount Sinai were not enough for the action of the people on a daily basis. Since the Reformation, Christians have the Bible, but they have not left the degradation. We have the Bible, and we have the living speaking of God, the prophetic word, as the dynamic voice of the Lord, His command for every moment. We have the Word of life, which produces the fellowship of life, which feeds and gives us life. In this condition, we love the brothers and sisters (Num 9:18-19, 23; Deut 8:1- 3; Matt 4:4; Isa 55:10-11).

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