DYNAMIC IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Saturday | Mess. 12 – The Conclusion of John’s Epistles

  1. We may grow old in body, but our soul must continue to prosper. It all depends on how much we are involved in the fellowship of life. The more we practice the word by caring for the troops and captains, to use their energies to strengthen the FGMC and do the “Come and See!” in the neighborhoods, the more our souls will be content, and our bodies will be rejuvenated (3 John 1:2).
  2. John sent brothers to visit the churches. We have resumed this practice, as we have colporteurs who are at the forefront taking care of the work to introduce people to the fellowship of life through the power of the word. Whoever receives and guides these missionaries, giving them the conditions to continue their journey, is a coworker of the truth. Let us awaken this spirit of hospitality and open our hearts (3 John 3:5-8).
  3. Diotrephes represents leaders who do not accept the word of life that came through John, because they dispute primacy and prominence in the work of God, as did Aaron, Miriam, Dathan and Abiram when they questioned the authority of Moses. However, thanks be to God! The apostles have authority over the churches for edification, not for destruction (3 John 1:9; 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10).
  4. We have the tripod reestablished: we love the word of life and live in the fellowship of life; we reject any hierarchy or domination of struggle for position, valuing the function of all members of the body of Christ. Miracles are happening in our midst, the investors of the kingdom are establishing themselves, and the work of God is advancing throughout the earth (2 John 1:12).

Did you know that we also have kids’ immersion? Click here to do it with your child: KIDS IMMERSION

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