DYNAMIC IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 13 – Introduction to Peter’s Epistles

  1. We are materials for the building of God’s spiritual household. We are no longer dead stones, but living stones that are part of an organism and a living building. A natural stone is not useful for the building of the church, but it will be useful after undergoing a process of transformation, in which the Father’s nature will be its new constitution (1 Pet 2:5; 1 Cor 3:11,12).

  1. Peter was a natural stone: rough, impulsive, and hasty. He meant well, but he was too quick to act without thinking. He was like a “wild horse.” But sometimes it is better to be a “wild horse” who can be transformed than a “nag horse” who never makes a mistake. A wild horse can be tamed and transformed through suffering and pressure and become very useful to the Lord, just as Peter was (Matt. 14:22-34; 16:21-23; 17:24-27; John 13:5-10, 36-38).

  1. Even though Peter betrayed Jesus, he was not discarded and forgotten by God. We have also failed the Lord many times, but He continues to want us and does not forget us. In the moments when we feel that we have no utility or are useful to God and the church, He calls us and says, “I want you and I need you!” (Matt. 26:69-75; Mark 16:7).

  1. Among billions of people, God chose us in Christ. Elected, we were predestined and now we have a destiny: to be mature children who will receive the inheritance of the Father. We are happy! This election was carried out before the foundation of the world and has nothing to do with our human action. But, at the same time, as a point of balance, the election is according to the foreknowledge of God, who is outside of time and inhabits eternity. Thus, He, by already foreknowing our heart, our attitude and the way we would receive His word and that we will fight for His Kingdom, chose and predestined us! (1 Pet 1:2, Eph 1:4,5, Rom 8:17, 9:11-29, 11:11-24).

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