DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Wednesday | Mess. 14 – The End of Our Faith: The Salvation of Our Soul

  1. With the resurrection of Christ, it becomes possible for God to fulfill His dream, His will: through the church, in the dispensation of the fullness of times, to make Christ head up all things, both in heaven and on Earth (Eph 1:9-10, 22-23).

  1. In order to lead the church through the dispensing of God’s grace through the apostles, God needs a channel to dispense His grace to the church. In every age God has a channel to dispense His riches through His Word of life. Thus, Christ comes to dwell in the hearts of the members of the Body, to fill them with truth and love to the fullness of God (Eph. 3:2-11).

  1. When we believed in Jesus, we were regenerated. Our spirit was saved, we received the Spirit and life of God, and we were born again as His children. But there is a second phase, a longer process of salvation that occurs day by day: the salvation of our soul. The Lord wants to conquer our mind, will, and emotions. He is already in our Spirit, but He wants to live in our heart. We need to invite Him into our entire soul (Eph. 3:17).

  1. “The more we have fellowship with the Lord and His word, the more we immerse ourselves in it and take the gospel of the kingdom to people, and the more the glory of God is deposited in us, like layer upon layer, until we are totally transformed!” (Daily Food, Book 6, Week 1, Wednesday, p. 13).

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