DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 14 – The End of Our Faith: The Salvation of Our Soul

  1. The Lord allows us to go through some trials. These are not purposeless sufferings but are for maturing us and saving our souls. When God tests us, He always aims to approve us. He does not test us to reprove us (1 Peter 1:6-7).
  2. Our hearts deceive us; we often think we are good, spiritual, and capable, but we have no idea how corrupt they are. Therefore, we need suffering to reveal what is in our hearts. Only the Word of God is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Deut. 8:2; Jer. 17:9; Heb. 4:12).
  3. We must thank God for having been blessed with this great fortune – we have been given the opportunity to taste the salvation prepared to be revealed in the last time, the salvation of our souls, the final result of our faith. We have every chance to have our souls tested and transformed, to have our hearts completely cleansed, so that the value of our faith reaches the highest possible purity. And when the Lord Jesus returns, we will be approved and will reign with Him for a thousand years (1 Peter 1:4, 9).
  4. “When the gospel of the kingdom is preached to all nations, the time will come for Christ to take over the kingdom. When Christ takes over the kingdom, all unrighteousness will end, and we will live in righteousness and peace for a thousand years. Hallelujah!” (Daily Food, Book 6, Week 1, Sunday, p. 23).

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