DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Monday | Mess. 16 – Living Stones for the Edification

  1. The Lord Jesus came to sow the incorruptible seed of the kingdom in our hearts with the goal of establishing the kingdom of God on Earth. The gospel of the kingdom is not a doctrine nor a dogma, but rather is the seed of God’s life that produces the miracle of life when it falls into the heart of man. The mission of the church is to never lose its evangelistic vigor and, thus, to continue the Lord’s mission by going from city to city preaching the gospel of the kingdom in order to reach people’s hearts (Matthew 13:1-23; Luke 8:1).
  2. The organ through which we receive the seed of the kingdom is the human spirit. However, this seed wants to take root in our soul in order to work a miracle and to germinate so that the life of God can take command of our thoughts, emotions, will and considerations. Thus, the kingdom of God is established in the heart of each one of us and He obtains a church that carries out His will (1 Pet 1:23).
  3. The kingdom of God is established through His church. We are not a human religious institution, but a living organism. The Lord is the True Vine, we are the branches, and the Father is the vinedresser, the owner of the vineyard. He is not the vinedresser of a physical field of many acres, but the vinedresser of our hearts, where He works until the kingdom of God appears on Earth, drives out the kingdom of darkness, and establishes the millennial kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:1-5; Rev. 11:15).
  4. Jesus, who was with the Father from the beginning, humbly emptied Himself by leaving His divine position to become a man and thus lowering Himself to the condition of a servant. The Word became flesh and came to Earth to sacrifice Himself for us, so that God could give life to man through His word (John 1:14) (Daily Food, Book 6, Week 3, Monday, p. 39).

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