DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Wednesday | Mess. 16 – Living Stones for the Edification

  1. Of the negative things we need to get rid of, the first are malice and deceit. Malice is the root of all negative things, the source of which is Satan. Deceit is acting with an evil intent; it is the deliberate practice of deceiving or harming someone else. Let us put away all malice and deceit! (1 Pet 2:1).
  2. We must rid ourselves of hypocrisy and envy. Hypocrisy is the characteristic of someone who performs, like a theater actor; this kind of person has an appearance of spirituality, but does not have the reality. Envy is the feeling of dissatisfaction caused by the success of others and can, ultimately, cause murder, as in the case of Cain and Abel (2 Tim 3:2-5).
  3. Malice, deceit, hypocrisy, and envy manifest themselves in all kinds of evil speaking. This refers to the act or ability to speak badly of others, with the intention of slandering or defaming them. This has no place among us. Let us cast all this out! Thank God, we have received the divine seed, which has given us a living hope! (1 Pet 1:23).
  4. God is determined to fill us with the truth. We have lived long enough with so much emptiness within us and have thus maintained only a spiritual façade. Our God is the true God, and His Son is the way that leads us to truth and life (John 14:6) (Daily Food, Book 6, Week 3, Wednesday, p. 43).

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