Mess. 18: Husband and Wife: Heirs Together of the Grace of Life

Word ministered by Brother Pedro Dong and transmitted by the Instituto Vida para Todos, directly from the Church Auditorium in São Paulo/SP, on 06/09/2024. Text not reviewed by the author.

We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel.




  1. We have seen in the first epistle of Peter that we all received the incorruptible seed when we were regenerated. When we believe in the Lord Jesus, we receive a new life which is the seed of God that was planted in our hearts. The heart of man is the ground to receive the divine seed and make it grow and bear fruit.
  2. The apostle Peter clarifies that the Christian life should not be based on changing our behavior through teachings. Many Christians think that once they believe in Jesus, they should use the Bible as a book that teaches rules of conduct. It is the new life, the divine seed, that the Christian receives and that makes all the difference. The change occurs because we live by the life of God, and not because we become part of a church membership. The seed that is fertilized in us grows and leads us to live according to this new life.

    1 Pet 1:22, 23

  3. Change of life comes from obedience to the truth. It is not a mere change of outward behavior. The word of life that we receive through the circulation of life, immersion in the word, and going to sleep and waking with God causes us to obey the truth, and this brings about change. The eternal life of God begins to take command our living. Moreover, the result is that we begin to love one another fervently with unfeigned brotherly love. This is a strong sign of obedience to the word.

    1 Pet 2:11-12; 1 John 2:15-16

  4. There is a battle to occupy our hearts. Satan uses the world as a weapon to do this. The heart cannot be occupied by two things at the same time: either it is occupied by the world or by God. The world tries to occupy the hearts of humans through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Satan’s intention is to show that the world has everything necessary to satisfy the human soul. It is an illusion that leads us to live chasing after the things of the world, and in the end, we find no satisfaction. Only the Word of God can fully satisfy us.
  5. This is what it says in point 1 of Sunday’s immersion, message 17: “God’s plan is to give eternal life to man through the human spirit and thus feed his soul, satisfying all the needs of his tripartite being. Only God, through His Word, is able to satisfy man (1 Pet 2:11-25)”. The enemy wants to occupy the human heart and deceive man into believing that he can find satisfaction through what is offered in the world. In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon says that he experienced all of the types of pleasures that the world can offer man and came to the conclusion that everything is vanity, there is nothing new, and the search for satisfaction of the soul is just void (Eccl 2:10-11).
  6. Point 2 says: “Without God’s care, man’s soul suffers the most. The struggle for survival, the psychological pressures to obtain sustenance, and the social and family responsibilities cause man to succumb and live like sheep without a shepherd (1 Pet 2:11-25)”. The frantic search for satisfaction in the world brings only fatigue and weariness.
  7. Continuing, point 3: “Human life is like grass, fragile and ephemeral. We need to live for what is eternal by supplying ourselves with the word! The satisfaction we receive from its supply is eternal! The prophetic word that reaches us every day is what will supply us (1 Pet 1:23-25)”. Only the word that He speaks day by day to His church gives satisfaction and direction to the human soul.
  8. The context for this message is found in 1 Peter 2:11. Peter is writing to Jews who had believed in the Lord Jesus but were outside of Judea and were scattered throughout the Gentile nations. He exhorts these pilgrims and strangers to have exemplary conduct wherever they live and to submit themselves to human authorities (v. 12). Marriage is also an item that shows whether a man lives according to the life he has received from God.

    1 Peter 3:1-2

  9. If the husband does not obey the word, referring to obedience to the truth (1 Pet. 1:22), he has not yet been born again of incorruptible seed through the Word of God (v. 23). This implies that the wife has not only believed in the Lord Jesus, but also obeys the word. What distinguishes someone who has an exemplary conduct among people is obedience to the truth. Otherwise, he is like an unbeliever and lives like any other person.
  10. The submission of women to their husbands is based on the same principle as subjection to established authorities. It is our responsibility to submit ourselves to human institutions. It is not the place of a Christian to have a rebellious attitude in their heart and promote rebellions. Being subject does not necessarily mean that we agree with everything. A wife is submissive to her husband, even if he does not yet obey the Word. Especially when her husband conducts his married life contrary to the Lord’s direction, the wife can and should tell him that she disagrees with his direction, without, however, dishonoring him. This is because, in the judgment of Christ, each one will answer for themselves (1 Cor 4:2-5). If the husband leads his wife down the wrong path, she should not go, because she will be personally responsible for her own actions (2 Cor 5:10).

    1 Cor 7:13-15

  11. Paul had also raised the issue of the unbelieving husband who consents to live with his wife who follows the path of obedience to the Word. He is sanctified by living with her. However, if the unbelieving spouse wants to leave, let them leave. In such cases, the one who obeys is not subject to them. In the same principle, if one of the spouses does not want to obey the truth, each one, individually, must follow through on what will enable them to answer to the Lord. It is better to be able to answer to the Lord than to err because of the influence of someone who does not want to go forward. However, this should never be a pretext for marrying someone else.

    1 Peter 3:3-4

  12. It is important not only to have the appearance of good behavior, but to conduct ourselves honestly and with fear. It is better to fear displeasing the Lord than displeasing men; let us live in the fear of the Lord.

    1 Cor 11:3

  13. This is the order established by God: God, the Head of Christ; Christ, the Head of every man; and the man, the head of the woman (1Co 11:3). This is the sequence of order that works when there is no broken link. A man should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God, but a woman is the glory of man (v.7). A woman, because of the angels, should have a veil on her head as a sign of authority (v.10). Therefore, a woman’s hair was given to her as a covering of authority (v.15).
  14. In the Roman Empire, it was common in the lascivious and corrupt society of the time for women to adorn themselves extravagantly with gold ornaments and curled hair and with expensive clothing. Women did everything they could to attract attention with their sensuality and extravagance. The same orientation applies today; women should dress appropriately, without exaggerated accessories that draw attention, nor should they be slaves to the world of fashion.
  15. According to Vincent: Hair was dyed, and held in place with expensive pins and nets of gold thread. Women wore blond wigs. Feminine extravagance in dress, in the days of the Roman Empire, had reached an alarming level.
  16. True beauty is in the hidden man of the heart, with the incorruptible adornment of a gentle and quiet spirit, and is of great price in the sight of God. The inner man of the heart has the human spirit where the Spirit of God dwells and which governs, through conscience, the three parts of the soul: mind, emotion and will. Under the command of the inner man, we have discernment about how to behave ourselves and to dress; we do not need a fashion consultant, because there is a consultant in the inner man of the heart. Those who value inner beauty, which is not ephemeral, but rather incorruptible, are governed by a gentle and quiet spirit, which gives a feeling of serenity and peace to those around them.

    1 Peter 3:5-6

  17. The Hebrew women became daughters of Sarah, because Abraham became the father of a great nation. Sarah was submissive to Abraham and called him Lord, because she knew he had a special calling to be the father of a great nation. If a wife sees that her husband has a calling to serve the Lord, she should not hold him back or hinder him. Do not tell your husband that he needs to spend less time in the Lord’s work or that he is giving too much. This will ruin your marriage. Sarah called Abraham Lord and knew that there was a commission upon him and that the best thing was to cooperate with him. If the husband has a calling and is useful in the Lord’s work, the wife, by cooperating with him, participates in the Lord’s work. When Abraham became the father of a great nation, Sarah became the mother of many daughters. Sarah’s obedience made her a co-worker with God in making her husband the father of a nation.

    1 Pet 3:7

  18. Husband and wife live together in their daily home life. It is easy to get along with someone in an outside social environment where they occasionally meet with each other as it occurs at work or in social encounter. In the everyday life of the home, the true facet of each person is exposed, without disguises and masks to hide behind; it is also where the greatest amount of friction and conflicts occur.
  19. Because men tend to be more pragmatic, they can become more easily irritated by everyday situations and tend to be more impatient. Therefore, everyday life requires discernment, or rather, understanding. In Greek, “gnosis” is knowledge, which means intelligence, understanding.
  20. A marital relationship cannot survive on passion alone. God prepared passion to be at the beginning, for a short time, so that a relationship could begin but then should become something serious and solid. A relationship needs to be built with a lot of understanding, sacrifice, patience and, above all, with the love of God (Eph 5:25). A husband should love his wife as his own body. He who loves his wife loves himself. He should nourish and cherish his wife as his own flesh, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of His body (vs. 28-30).
  21. If we seek satisfaction for the soul in marriage, we will fall into the same condition of seeking satisfaction in the world. We will not achieve it. Seeing marriage as the key to inner satisfaction, that is, something that one has dreamed of for a lifetime, leads to disappointment. If a couple seeks satisfaction from each other, they will always be full of demands; and when their desire is not met, they blame the other. Placing the hope of happiness in marriage will lead to disappointment. True satisfaction comes from feeding the soul with the word of God. Only God, through His word, is capable of satisfying each person.

    Eccl 4:9-10

  22. So, what is marriage for? In the pursuit of God’s will, two are better than one (Eccl. 4:9). Husband and wife are heirs of the same grace of life. They are spiritual companions. In order to receive the inheritance, it is better for one to help the other. If the goal of marriage is to seek one’s own satisfaction, the couple will live in conflict and friction, and one will hinder the other. So, it would be better to be alone. If you are married, try not to live in conflict, but seek to be spiritual companions. Because both are joint heirs of the same grace of life. If one falls down, the other gets them up. If you are discouraged, your spouse helps and encourages you. This is the purpose of marriage, besides the Lord’s command to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28).

    Eccl 4:11-12

  23. The three-fold cord is not easily broken. If a husband and wife seek to be heirs of the same grace of life, the Lord is present in their marriage. Therefore, this cord is not easily broken. For married couples, it is best not to live demanding satisfaction from each other. Let us help each other to immerse ourselves in the word, to serve the Lord, to do “Come and See” with teenagers, to do colporting, to take care of others and of family groups. By being involved in the word of the Lord all day long, one will help the other to follow the path in a harmonious and enjoyable way.
  24. The husband should be considerate of his wife and treat her with dignity. Man was created as a vessel to contain God (Rom 9:21,23; 2 Cor 4:7; 2 Tim 2:21). The woman is a weaker vessel, so she should be treated with dignity, since she is physically and psychologically more fragile. Paul told the Colossians: “Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them” (Col 3:19).

    1 Pet 1:3-4, Rom 8:17

  25. Husband and wife are heirs of the same grace of life. God has given us eternal life in Christ. The growth of life in us will make us mature “sons,” fit to receive the incorruptible, undefiled and unfading inheritance reserved in heaven (1 Peter 1:4). The woman is a co-heir of the same grace of life with her husband. The inheritance is the full salvation that makes us heirs of God. Everything that is God’s will be ours, too.
  26. The Lord’s return is very close. Therefore, married couples should take advantage of this opportunity to unite and live a harmonious life of consideration and honor toward one another. They should live in the circulation of the word by serving the Lord and seeking to be overcomers. Thus, when the Lord returns, we will reign with Him for a thousand years.

    1 Peter 3:8-12

  27. One mind is having the same mind and way of thinking. Having compassion is feeling what the other feels, in solidarity. Brotherly love is to love one another as brothers and sisters. Tenderhearted: having a good heart, with a feeling of compassion. Courteous: friendly, affable, that is, polite and kind in dealing with others. Not repaying evil for evil, reviling for reviling: not using the same weapon of unrighteousness and falsehood that comes from the kingdom of darkness, but rather always to speak blessings.

    Phil 2:1-4

  28. What makes us think the same thing is the word of God. It is to enjoy and immerse ourselves in the same word. Even if there are differences in culture and language, the same word makes us think in agreement, to be united in soul. God’s love unites us in an impartial way. This makes us one Body and the Lord has the freedom to use us because we have the same thoughts, feelings and love. In the church life there are no rivalries. Thus, in marriage there should be no rivalry. In the church life we have the incorruptible seed that causes us to live loving one another.

    1 Thess 5:15

  29. Whoever always blesses in any situation receives the blessing as an inheritance. Paul says to avoid repaying others evil for evil but rather always to pursue what is for the good among ourselves and towards all people.

    Mt 5:3; Is 66:1-2

  30. When we were called to be citizens of the kingdom of heaven, the Lord gave us principles of conduct for those who have the life of the Heavenly Father. The Lord finally found rest in His house because He found people who were humble in spirit. God wants the heart of man for His dwelling place. He desires to dwell among those who have a poor, humble, afflicted, and contrite spirit. Those of an afflicted and contrite spirit are the ones who need the Lord; they have nothing that they think they can give to the Lord. Whoever is not poor in spirit does not obey the word of the Lord completely, because they think they can do better their own way. The Lord seeks a poor spirit and a heart that has reverent love for His word.

    Mt 5:4-7

  31. Blessed are those who mourn. Those who mourn seeing the situation of the world, usurped by Satan, will be comforted. Blessed are the meek; we are not conquering the Earth through violence or aggression, but through meekness. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness; this happens when we practice the word and righteousness is achieved. Blessed are the merciful: both those who go out into the streets to reach people and those who practice mercy towards one another in the life of the church.

    Mt 5:8-12

  32. Blessed are the pure in heart. We need to have purity in our hearts, that is, not to seek self- interest. Through trials, God is purifying our hearts, and our faith reaches an ever greater value. Blessed are the peacemakers: those who spread peace wherever they go by taking the immersion in the word. By practicing “Come and See” we bring peace to people.
  33. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Satan is furious with the male-child who is about to be born. The male-child represents Christians who love the Lord and fight for His kingdom; they are constantly targets of the devil’s fury. Today, we are those who love God’s government through the word. Great will be our reward if we go through the suffering that comes from the devil’s persecutions.

    1 Peter 3:10-11

  34. Before entering the land of Canaan, God placed the people before Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal (Deuteronomy 11:26-32). Mount Gerizim represents life and blessing; whoever chooses it will reap blessings and live happily. Whoever wants to choose life and blessing needs to be watchful of what they say. The best way to restrain the tongue is to be immersed in the Word all day long.

    James 3:2-12

  35. If you speak too much, one day you will stumble over your own words. However, by filling your speaking with the word of God through immersing yourself in it, transcribing it, sleeping and waking up with God, and being involved all day long with the word, there will be no curse in your speaking. When you open your mouth, only blessing will come out. To turn away from evil (1 Peter 3:11) is to bend aside to divert your course from evil. By inculcating the word of the Lord, your mouth will speak from what fills the heart (Matthew 12:34).

    1 Pet 3:12

  36. The Lord’s face is turned toward us, and being able to contemplate Him shows that the Lord’s presence is with us. Seeking Him and not finding Him means that His face is not present for you. There is no worse feeling than being ignored by God and having heaven closed to our prayers. But if we turn from our wicked ways, the Lord will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land. His eyes will be open and His ears attentive to our prayer (2 Chr 7:14-15). By inculcating in our hearts the living word that has the presence of the Lord, we will be secure and confident at the Lord’s return! Thank the Lord, when we pray, He hears us because we have His presence. The face of the Lord is over us.

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