DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Saturday | Mess. 23 – An Entrance Supplied Abundantly into the Everlasting Kingdom of Our Lord

  1. God is building a fabric of love, in which we are adjusted, consolidated, and compacted with one another. God is not looking here to see who is more spiritual, He wants to see the edification of the church. Let us work on this building, connected in love (Eph 4:16).

  1. All these attributes of subjective faith cannot just exist but must grow! Let us take advantage of the time to practice immersion, even if it is just a moment, but this word will sustain us and lead us to thirst for it more. I believe that your life will change, your faith will not remain static but will continue to grow (2 Pet 1:8).

  1. Our faith cannot be inactive or stagnant. We need to seek to be active, but also to produce fruit. We cannot remain inactive or unfruitful, but rather acquire full knowledge through the circulation of life that comes through the word, which enables us to truly know and experience the Lord (2 Peter 1:8).

  1. “When we are organically united to the vine through the fellowship of life, we begin to bear fruit. These fruits come from the sap, from the life that circulates among us. That is why we immerse ourselves in the word, so that it may be inculcated in us and dwell richly in our hearts” (Deuteronomy 6:6; Colossians 3:16) (Daily Food, Book 1, Week 4, Saturday, pp. 68-69).

Did you know that we also have kids’ immersion? Click here to do it with your child: KIDS IMMERSION

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