DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess. 01: An Eagle’s Vision

1. Paul’s only concern was the progress of the gospel, that the good work which God began in His church might be completed until the day of Christ Jesus. He was always based on truth, the solidity of which dispels all fear of attack. Thank the Lord, who has been working in the church, cleansing us from every negative word and death!

2. Peter would cast the nets to catch men, and John’s ministry would come to fix, mend the nets. As the church did not pay full attention to the prophetic word that came from Paul, giving way to parallel words, there was an opening for the nets to break. John was in charge of closing those holes, mending those nets.

3. John’s ministry also has the conclusive aspect of divine revelation. His Gospel is the last of the four, his epistles are the last in the Bible, and Revelation is the book that concludes the entire Bible.

4. You’ve already been transported to heaven, so don’t get hung up on earthly things. Use your faith to believe this word. The ladder, which is Christ, is in your faith. When we live by faith and not by the things we see (like our ability to run the church or say a prayer), we are immediately transported to heaven.

Acess the Children’s Immersion and the Singing Children’s Immersion of today on Instagram @fabricadevencedoreskids.

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