DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Friday | Mess. 03 – God is Light and in Him there is No Darkness at All

  1. Jesus came as the word that is light to men. Life is in the Son, and this life is light to men for the purpose of restoring the organism of life. Just as God has the church to do His will, Satan has the world as an instrument to oppose God’s will. This is serious, which is why Jesus stated that He and His disciples are not of the world (1 John 1:5; John 1:4; 17:14).
  2. The word that the Lord speaks to us is “rhema”, the word for the moment. We find life in it! Many believe that life is in the Bible, however, if the Scriptures do not become “rhema”, they are simply dead letters (John 6:63; John 5:39-40).
  3. The Lord today is in the “rhema” word, in the prophetic word, which contains life. This life is the Lord Jesus Himself, who is light to men, because God is light. When we enjoy the fellowship of life, through the word of life, we receive light (John 1:1, 4-5).
  4. “Jesus, the Word that was in the beginning, is the source of life and light for men, and believing in Him means receiving this life. However, the world did not recognize Him as the Savior sent to redeem humanity. The only way for everyone to be freed from sin is to believe in Christ, the Son of God” (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2, Friday, page 34).

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