DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Monday | Mess. 02 – The word of Life and the Fellowship of Life

  1. John’s first letter is a continuation of his gospel; His gospel reveals to us that, by believing in Jesus, man receives life from God, and his first letter reveals that those who believe participate in divine fellowship for the edification of the Body of Christ. (John 1:1; 1 John 1:1).
  2. God desires to give His life to man, so that he can subject and govern the Earth through divine life. But God is the Only One who possesses immortality, dwells in inaccessible light and no man has seen Him, for He is invisible. Therefore, how is it possible for man to have access to the life of God, touch Him or contemplate Him? Through His Word. (John 1:18; 1 Tim 1:17; 6:16; 1 John 1:1).
  3. God is triune: Father, Son and Spirit. The Father, who dwells in unapproachable light, sent His Son Jesus Christ, who is the Word Himself, to be a man, and then becomes accessible to humanity, in order to give them eternal life. When Jesus died, the Father resurrected Him and He became the Spirit of truth capable of entering everyone who believes in Him. What a miracle! Today, through the preaching of the gospel of salvation, everyone who believes receives eternal life, is born of God. (John 3:16).
  4. It was up to Him, as the Word that became incarnate and lived among us full of grace and truth, to suffer for our sake. Jesus, after He died, was resurrected by God and became the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit, who is in all of us who receive Him. (John 1:14; 14:17) (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 1, Monday, p. 7).

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