DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Monday | Mess. 05 – The Emergence of the Root of the Church’s Degradation in the Second Century

  1. In the church life that the Holy Spirit established, the brothers persevered in the teaching of the apostles and in fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers. It all begins with the word of the apostles’ teaching, which Christ established to give direction to the church; and no one, however eloquent or learned, has the right to present another doctrine (Acts 2:42).
  2. Perseverance in the teaching of the apostles, in fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers produces a normal church life; and in the souls of all there is fear, for God is the One who rules. The practice of fellowship in the teaching of the apostles, through immersion in the prophetic word, produces the reality of the kingdom of heaven and also the overcomers who will participate in the manifestation of the kingdom (Acts 2:42-43).
  3. The principle of offering material goods does not depend on our profession or our income, because we are all aware that we are members of the Body of Christ and what we have belongs to the Lord. We are administrators of the Lord’s goods that He Himself has entrusted to us. The Lord allows us to have our standard of living, but gives us the responsibility of managing His material resources (Acts 2:44-45).
  4. “Our source is the I AM, the True One! That is why it is necessary for us to live connected to the tree of life. Let us not be deceived by any high human standard. Let us choose life!” (Daily Food, Book 2, Week 3, Monday, page 42).

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