DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Saturday | Mess. 01 – A Retrospective on the History of the Church in the First Century

  1. God speaks, His prophet is notified, he passes it on to the group of prophets, who faithfully transmits it to the church, which believes and receives this word that has the power to carry out God’s work (Rev 1:1; 1 Thes 2:13).
  2. We receive the Spirit today through the word that the Lord speaks to the church. It is the living word, which comes from the mouth of God, and not merely a theologically learned word. The church remains shining in the darkness thanks to the supply of the Spirit through the word (John 6:63).
  3. The Lord Himself does the work of God. It is not by the strength or power of man, but by the strength of His word and the power of the Spirit of the Lord (Ps 33:9; Zec 4:6).
  4. “Christ is the last Adam, the life-giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45). The last Adam today is no longer in the flesh, but has become the Spirit and wants to give us life. Let’s get Him! Through His word, every time we contact Him, we receive divine life and join to Him” (Daily Food, Book 1, Week 3, Saturday, p. 51).

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