DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Saturday | Mess. 01 – Where is the House that You Will Build Me?

  1. God needs the man-child who represents the strong part of the church, the part that fights for the kingdom. They are a minority, but they are the ones who fight for the kingdom. The strength of the church is not its capacity, nor its economic or political power. It has little strength, but it keeps the word, that is, it inculcates it in its heart (Rev 12:5; 3:8; Lk 12:32).

  1. The word needs to be kept, engraved in our hearts through repetition. This word, wrought in our soul, brings the reality of Christ’s headship (Eph 1:9-10; 5:18 19; Col 3:16).

  1. God’s will is greater than the issues of our human lives. God’s purpose is to unite all things in Christ, both in heaven and on earth. Time exists for Christ to Head up all things. When this is accomplished, the ticking of time will end and we will be in eternity (Eph. 1:9-10, 22-23).

  1. Those who remain in the fellowship of life are governed by the Head, who is Christ. They will always be confident, because they know that the work they do is from God. In the fellowship of life, we feel secure, because we exercise the will of God (1 John 1:1 3; 5:15). (DailyFood, Book 3, Week 3, Saturday, p. 51). Book 1, Week 4, Saturday, pp. 68-69).

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