DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 01 – A Retrospective on the History of the Church in the First Century

  1. Everyone can prophesy in the church. The Lord has given us a practical way to do this through immersion. This word, as it is fresh speaking that comes from the mouth of God, gives light to everyone to prophesy and God can speak to everyone through His prophets (1 Cor 14:24-25, 31).
  2. The prophetic word is given to the church by the apostle, we all listen diligently, ruminate, immerse ourselves, and inculcate it in our hearts. Our church services are based on this word and it does God’s work. Love for the word gives ground for God to work (Acts 2:42-43 KJA).
  3. The functioning of the Body of Christ requires that each member make their gift work. This prophet who receives direct revelation from God must be faithful in transmitting it. Both those who teach and those who exhort do so within the scope of this revelation and everyone can prophesy what they received from God (Rm 12:6-8; 1 Cor 14:26, 29, 31).
  4. “Until the fullness of times, until the Father’s will is fully accomplished, the Lord will be our companion. We are not alone when we preach the gospel on the streets, but Christ is with us! When we serve together to build the church, the Lord is with us!” (Daily Food, Book 1, Week 3, Sunday, p. 54).

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