DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 02 – The word of Life and the Fellowship of Life

  1. Just like the apostle, a prophet must be faithful and trustworthy, transmitting the Word of God and not his own words. He needs to speak what God commands and not make the ministry of the word a platform for his own work, but believe in the Word that produces the fellowship of life (2 Tim 2:2; Rev 1:1).
  2. The Word of life circulates among us, supplying us with the life and nature of God and washing us of all residues. We finally found the way to generate the church in Philadelphia and bring the Lord back. We are freed from the domination of money and have the evangelistic spirit (Eph 5:25-27; Acts 2:42- 45).
  3. Everything is moving quickly towards the Lord’s return. It is worth dedicating the years of our life to Him, because whoever works with the Word of perseverance will be kept from the hour of trial. Let’s follow the guidance that comes from the mouth of God and prosperity will reach us, and we will have a life full of joy in the church (1 Thes 5:3; Rev 3:10; Job 22:21-22 KJA; Prov 29:18 KJU).
  4. Those who are friends of Jesus, those who are chosen, will reign with Christ for a thousand years. (Rev 5:9-10). (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 1, Sunday, page 24).

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