DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 04 – The Evidence of Degradation at the End of the First Century

  1. In the church, we are all servants of the Lord, and there is no dispute for position, as we are members of the Body of Christ, a living organism; it is not a question of position, but of function (Rev 1:1; Rm 12:4-5).
  2. A servant does not expect recognition, praise or applause. We are servants of God and we want to be useful to Him (Luke 17:7-10).
  3. The Lord reveals His words to only one servant to ensure that the command is unique. The apostle, in turn, faithfully notifies the group of servants, who spread the word to the entire Body. In this way, life will circulate, inculcatling truth in us (2 Tim 2:2).
  4. Let us occupy our minds with what is true, through the word that comes from the Lord. Let us occupy our thoughts with what is true, respectable, just, pure, lovely and of good report (Phil 4:8) (Daily Food, book 2, sem. 2, Sunday, p. 40).

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