DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Monday | Mess. 04 – The Fellowship of Life Produces Love

  1. God has formed in our midst a wonderful battalion that fights for His kingdom: teenagers, energized by the Lord, are the troops, and the youth, who are more mature, are the captains, who lead the troops. Furthermore, the adult brothers and sisters are the Supply and Logistics Stewards, who take care of all needs, so that the troops and the captains can work by preaching the gospel, praying for people and sowing spiritual books in them (Ps 110:1-3).
  2. Older brothers and sisters cannot sit by being idle; they need to take care of the people generated by the “Come and See” project. Participate! Each member of the Body of Christ has a role in His army (John 1:46; Mark 9:35; Col 3:23-24).
  3. If we are faithful and practice the word we have received, the Lord will bless us, the number of people in the church will grow, and our hearts will be filled with joy. Let us follow this direction that the Spirit has given us! (Mt 24:14; Acts 2:47; Luke 15:3-10).
  4. Our fight is to do the will of the Lord by establishing the kingdom of God on Earth and putting an end to Satan’s usurpation. We are here to build the church and provide God with a dwelling place (Eph 2:21-22). (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 3, Monday, page 42).

Did you know that we also have kids’ immersion? Click here to do it with your child: KIDS IMMERSION