DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 07 – The Worsening of the Degradation and the Reformation

  1. The Holy Spirit was in the lead, right at the beginning of the church, a clear model of how the church should be practiced, and the principle established by God: They persevered in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers (Acts 2: 42).
  2. We are witnessing this glorious moment for the church that many in the past would have liked to have seen. We are returning to what the church practiced in the beginning, to the love of the prophetic word and we are seeing the word act in the lives of the brothers and sisters and in the work of God. This is the condition that will bring the Lord back! (Luke 10:21-24; 2 Peter 1:19).
  3. We do not need to follow the way of Sardis, the traditional and conventional way of preaching the gospel in the old way. Let us let the Spirit work and He will begin something totally new (John 3:8).
  4. Let us follow the Shepherd to the end to enthrone Him as King! We work today for His government to increase and for His reign to be established and have no end. Jesus is our King from now on and forever! (John 10:14-16) (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 1, Sunday, p. 23).

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