DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 08 – The Return to the Church of the Apostolic Age

  1. We are experiencing the best moments in the church life, when the function of each member of the Body of Christ has been restored and everyone has the chance to exercise their priesthood in Christ. Just like in the time of Peter Waldo, we go out into the streets and contact those who are thirsty for the Word and are seeking salvation (1Pe 2:9).
  2. In order not to lose our evangelistic vigor and stop following the path of God’s grace, we need to continue believing in the revelations that the Lord gives according to His Word. It drives us to execute His voice of command until the Lord’s return (Mt 24:14).
  3. In addition to the vision of the oneness of the Body of Christ, we need to grasp the government of the church through the teaching of the apostles. The prophetic word is the commanding voice of Christ, that is, the reality of the Holy Spirit’s authority in the church (2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10).
  4. If we believe, we will see the glory of God. We must just obey His speaking. What the Lord has done so far in our midst is just the beginning, because He will do much more (John 11:40). (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 2, Sunday, p. 38)

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