DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Thursday | Mess. 03 – God is Light and in Him there is No Darkness at All

  1. Man was created lower than the angels, but with the ability to receive God. God did not need to create us very capable; it was enough to create us with a human spirit, the vessel to receive Him. We are weak, but capable of receiving God within us. We are not powerful, but we can always be in fellowship with the powerful God (2 Cor 4:7; 3:6-7,18).
  2. Thank God we have the Bible with us, but we also need revelation. Today all of God’s children have the Bible in their hands, but not everyone has the revelation of the word. The teaching of the apostles comes from the revelation of Jesus Christ, which clarifies and gives understanding to the simple, those who love and believe in the word that God gives them (Gal 1:11-12; Ps 119:130).
  3. Satan did not have access to the new world that God created, but he entered it, becoming its prince when he made man disobey God. Death came through sin and spread to all men. The world lies in the evil one; it is lifeless and is controlled by the evil one. God, however, wants an organism of life: the Body of Christ (Rom 5:12; 1 John 5:19; 1 Cor 12:12-13, 27).
  4. “After resurrecting, the Lord no longer calls us just friends, but brothers and sisters! (John 20:17-18). We are becoming closer and closer to the Lord: we go from servants to friends, and from friends to brothers and sisters!” (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2, Thursday, page 33).

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