DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Thursday | Mess. 05 – The Emergence of the Root of the Church’s Degradation in the Second Century

  1. In Revelation, John reveals Christ as the High Priest who supplies and cares for His church and also reveals that God is on the throne administering the entire universe according to His will, executing His righteous judgment to present the New Jerusalem as God’s mutual habitation with men for all eternity (Rev 1:12; 4:5; 21:3).
  2. The end product of all the work of the Lord is that He dwells with men forever and ever (Rev. 21:3, JB).
  3. At the end of the first century there was no longer any appreciation for the prophetic word or consideration for the apostle John; but there was competition between brothers to have preeminence. Unfortunately, the longing for preeminence is in our natural man. May the Lord purify our hearts so that we do not fall into this! (Acts 20:29; 3 John 9)
  4. “Satan is cunning and, to deceive us, he uses this trick: instead of using the evil side of the tree of knowledge to reach us, he uses our natural goodness and love, which also comes from the same tree of knowledge of good and evil. This is the source of human blindness”. (Daily Food, Book 2, Week 3, Thursday, page 48).

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