DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Thursday | Mess. 05 – Where am I, where am I going and why do I exist?

  1. The cause of the entrance of sin into the world was Adam’s transgression. By rebelling, Satan created the kingdom of lies and darkness and also corrupted the Earth. God restored it and created man to rule it. In the world recreated by God there was not yet any sin; it was the fall of man, through his disobedience to the word of God, that opened the door for Satan to enter the world (Rm 5:12; Gn 1:2; Eph 6:12).
  2. Creation groans, deep within, awaiting our full sonship, by which time our soul will be full of Christ as the truth, sanctified and full of the glory and love of God. When that Day arrives and our spirit and soul are full of this glory, our body will become incorruptible, clothed with glory. Then, all creation will be redeemed from corruption and vanity (Rom 8:19-23).
  3. The world we live in today has been corrupted. When the church in the first century stopped treasuring the teaching of the apostles, a kingdom in life ceased to exist in an organic way. When the church no longer lives this kingdom in life, the need arises to seek a pattern in the world, without life.
  4. The Lord Jesus said: “You are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you” (John 15:3). The word that Jesus speaks cleanses us. Judas was the traitor and he was not clean (13:11). Because he had no esteem for the word of Jesus, he was dirty all the time” (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 2, Thursday, p. 29).

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