DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Thursday | Mess. 07 – The Worsening of the Degradation and the Reformation

  1. The history of the church in Thyatira reveals to us a period of deep darkness in which God did not speak, as His word was suppressed and Jezebel put herself in His place. Let us praise the Lord, because today we have free access to His word spoken through His prophets (Rev 2:18-29; Heb 4:16).
  2. During the period of the church in Sardis, the invention of the printing press emerged, which ultimately brought God’s people the great blessing of access to the Bible. With access to the word of God, the church began to receive light again. Thank God for the Bible! Have you read it today? (Rev 3:1-6; Jer 15:16).
  3. How important it is to know the history of the church; to know everything it went through until it reached the moment it is today. This way, we will value what the Lord is doing in our days and we will know how to move forward. We are part of this story! (Rev 2-3; Mt 16:13-18; Eph 1:22-23).
  4. Those who follow the Lord are those who love His word, recognize His voice, immerse themselves in the word and inculcate it in their hearts (John 10:26-27) (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 1, Thursday, page 16).

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