DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Thursday | Mess. 08 – The Return to the Church of the Apostolic Age

  1. As we consistently practice doing immersion and take note of the prophetic word repeatedly, we flee from mere spiritual appearance, the truth is deposited in us, and we live the reality of the kingdom. Only when we are filled with Christ, reality itself, can we draw close to the holy and true Father (John 14:6).
  2. We need the power in God’s word to take us out of degradation and to eliminate falsehood. Let us allow Christ to be head over our hearts and produce roots of love in us, because all of God’s work is based on love, which can only be grasped with all the saints. Thus, the church will be the fullness of Him who fills all in all (Eph 1:22-23; 3:17-19).
  3. The Protestant Reformation restored access to the Bible and justification by faith as fundamental truths. Despite this, there was no significant progress, as it was necessary to reestablish God’s government in the church by restoring the functioning of the members of the Body of Christ as a living organism (Rom 12:5-8; 1Co 12:27).
  4. We must recognize that we are still full of biblical knowledge and we recite verses. This makes us doctrinal, but we are unable to experience the power that really is in the Word (John 5:39-40). (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 2, Thursday, p. 32)

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