DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 02 – The word of Life and the Fellowship of Life

  1. The apostles saw Jesus and contemplated His life and His attitudes. Contemplating is not just about seeing, but looking with a purpose. Furthermore, the invisible God became visible in the man Jesus who could be touched by the hands of those who were with Him (1 John 1:1; John 1:1-2 KJU).
  2. “Life has manifested itself, and we have seen it”. How can we see life? Our Lord Jesus is life itself! The Word that the apostle John announced was the eternal life that was with the Father and was manifested to us. Do not analyze by logic, but accept the Word that is a person, Jesus. (1 John 1:2a).
  3. How can we be sure that a word is the Word of life? When it introduces those who believed in it into the fellowship of the life of the Body of Christ, to participate in the circulation of life that happens primarily through fellowship with the apostles who are not the source, but are the channels for announcing the Word of life. (1 John 1:3).
  4. God speaks through the Son, Jesus Christ, who died, rose again and today speaks through the prophets in the church. Each week we have faithfully received the supply of the word that daily cleanses us, replacing in us the natural elements of the old creation with divine elements. (Heb 1:1-2). (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 1, Tuesday, page 10).

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