DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 04 – The Fellowship of Life Produces Love

  1. The Word of life is a person, life itself, Christ. It is something concrete, a living person who was contemplated by John together with other apostles. Have you contemplated the Lord Jesus today? (1 John 1:1-4).
  2. Divine life needs to circulate among the members of the Body of Christ. Therefore, never allow the circulation of life to be interrupted, otherwise the members will die. The word circulating among us nourishes and cleanses our toxins, that is, it removes everything that is negative and keeps us healthy (1 John 1:7-10).
  3. In our old man, we still have the sin nature. However, if we remain in the fellowship of the Body, in the circulation of life, it is more difficult for us to sin. The circulation of life brings us God Himself, who is light! Being enlightened, we are more alert about sin (1 John 1:7-10; 2:1-2; 1 Peter 4:7).
  4. When we confess our sins, God forgives us based on the righteousness accomplished by Christ on the cross. God justifies us, brings us back to Himself and regenerates us in the spirit. We are thus reconnected to the Only True God. Jesus is the way for man to be reconnected to God (John 14:6) (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 3, Tuesday, page 45).

Did you know that we also have kids’ immersion? Click here to do it with your child: KIDS IMMERSION

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